April 2025
Pamela Wilson ~ Standing Tall as Truth ~ 4 Part Online Retreat
March 31, April 3, 7 & 10, 2025
10:00 am – 12:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time (PT)
Time Zone Converter
Recording will be emailed to participants after each meeting.
You're welcome to join even if you can't attend all the live sessions.
Standing Tall as Truth, Our Roots in Silence & Substratum.
Love and Wisdom Streaming From Our Heart and Being to All, for All.
Balance is our Blessing, Rekindling Love worldwide our Longing.
Please join Pamela and your fellow sages for this four part retreat.
Pamela Wilson evokes through dialogue, inquiry and her very presence the qualities of unconditional love and radical acceptance. She is celebrated for her ability to open the heart and create a space in which long-cherished struggles and notions about one’s identity relax. Featured in the book Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom, Pamela is at her best in heart-felt dialogue, so please bring your questions!
More about Pamela: www.pamelasatsang.com
Sliding Scale: $80 to $120
Some Partial Scholarships Available
Please Register Early if you can.
Stephan Bodian ~ Waking Up Through the Metacrisis: Finding Deeper Ground in Challenging Times
The Buddha said it succinctly 2500 years ago: human existence is, and always has been, marked by constant change and uncertainty. Yet we find ourselves in uniquely challenging and uncertain times: overpopulation, mass extinctions, extreme weather, environmental tipping points, political upheaval, nuclear proliferation, demographic instability and widespread migrations, and the advent of technologies that challenge and distort our understanding of what’s real and true.
Please join me for one or more satsangs in this monthly series (Jan-May) that include meditations for returning to and resting in our deeper ground while welcoming and working with the feelings that these challenging times evoke. There will also be a brief talk and plenty of time for sharing and discussion.....
Jeannie Zandi ~ Alive in the Machine: Living Outside the Matrix
When awakening dismantles your ability to play by the old rules...
One of the most disorienting aspects of genuine awakening is when you can no longer participate in consensus reality the way you once did. The familiar ground of shared assumptions and social strategies that once provided a sense of belonging falls away and you are left moving independently of it or suffering to the extent that you keep participating.
In this powerful exploration, Jeannie will guide participants through this challenging territory with compassion, clarity, and a healthy dose of irreverence.....
Pamela Wilson ~ Standing Tall as Truth ~ 4 Part Online Retreat
March 31, April 3, 7 & 10, 2025
10:00 am – 12:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time (PT)
Time Zone Converter
Recording will be emailed to participants after each meeting.
You're welcome to join even if you can't attend all the live sessions.
Standing Tall as Truth, Our Roots in Silence & Substratum.
Love and Wisdom Streaming From Our Heart and Being to All, for All.
Balance is our Blessing, Rekindling Love worldwide our Longing.
Please join Pamela and your fellow sages for this four part retreat.
Pamela Wilson evokes through dialogue, inquiry and her very presence the qualities of unconditional love and radical acceptance. She is celebrated for her ability to open the heart and create a space in which long-cherished struggles and notions about one’s identity relax. Featured in the book Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom, Pamela is at her best in heart-felt dialogue, so please bring your questions!
More about Pamela: www.pamelasatsang.com
Sliding Scale: $80 to $120
Some Partial Scholarships Available
Please Register Early if you can.
Pamela Wilson ~ Standing Tall as Truth ~ 4 Part Online Retreat
March 31, April 3, 7 & 10, 2025
10:00 am – 12:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time (PT)
Time Zone Converter
Recording will be emailed to participants after each meeting.
You're welcome to join even if you can't attend all the live sessions.
Standing Tall as Truth, Our Roots in Silence & Substratum.
Love and Wisdom Streaming From Our Heart and Being to All, for All.
Balance is our Blessing, Rekindling Love worldwide our Longing.
Please join Pamela and your fellow sages for this four part retreat.
Pamela Wilson evokes through dialogue, inquiry and her very presence the qualities of unconditional love and radical acceptance. She is celebrated for her ability to open the heart and create a space in which long-cherished struggles and notions about one’s identity relax. Featured in the book Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom, Pamela is at her best in heart-felt dialogue, so please bring your questions!
More about Pamela: www.pamelasatsang.com
Sliding Scale: $80 to $120
Some Partial Scholarships Available
Please Register Early if you can.
Dorothy Hunt ~ Honoring the Life and Teachings of Ramana Maharshi ~ Retreat Day (In-Person & Livestream)
“There is no greater mystery than this—that being the Reality ourselves, we seek to gain Reality.”
Ramana Maharshi has been a light shining in the darkness for countless seekers of Truth. His expression of Truth beautifully and lovingly embodies the Absolute, and yet his method of Self-Inquiry does not require seekers to leave home, hearth, job, or family life. In his words, “All that is required to realize the Self is to be still.” Join us for this day of silence and satsang, reflecting on the life and teachings of this great sage. There will be a 1½-hour break for lunch and afternoon tea. Apart from satsang, the retreat will be held in silence.
Dorothy Hunt, Spiritual Director of Moon Mountain Sangha will facilitate this retreat day. She is a teacher in the spiritual lineage of Adyashanti and founder of the San Francisco Center for Meditation and Psychotherapy. Dorothy has a long and deep connection with the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and offers this day to any who are interested in coming to sit in silence and listen with the Heart.
Presently, Dorothy offers satsang and retreats via Zoom, and dokusan by phone. For more information, please visit www.dorothyhunt.org
Pre-registration is Required for In-Person attendance.
Pre-registration for In-Person attandance closes at Midnight on April 11th (the night before event)
Sliding Scale: $60 to $120
No one turned away for lack of funds.
If you register for Recording access by event, link to access it will be sent to you within a week.
If you register for Recording access AFTER event, please forward your confirmation email to web@opencirclecenter.org with your request that we send the recording.
For inquiries contact LocalEvents@opencirclecenter.org
Lunch: There will be a 1 & 1/2 hour lunch break.
Bring your own lunch to eat outside on the patio overlooking the Bay.
If you have symptoms of a viral infection, or have had a recent
Covid exposure or positive test, please stay home out of consideration for others.
Engaged Nonduality ~ With David Loy and Lisa Ferguson
Engaged Nonduality:
Nondual Values in Action
with With David Loy and Lisa Ferguson
Recording will be emailed to participants within a week.
You’re welcome to join even if you can’t attend the live session.
"Compassion arises and manifests itself naturally when we have overcome our sense of separation from the world.” David Loy, Nonduality: In Buddhism and Beyond
Join Lisa and David Loy, leading advocate in connecting spirituality with engagement, for an exploration of nondual values in action, and practical responses to our planetary crises from the perspective of non-separation. We’ll explore how our world situation mirrors that of our own personal misconception of separation, and how the wisest response to our planetary crisis is to address separation on both of these levels. David will introduce us to the Bodhisattva path as a nonsectarian archetype that offers a new vision of the relationship between spiritual unfolding and social engagement, and orient toward our true “home,” which spontaneously expresses itself in skillful action.....
Izzy Cloke ~ This Boundless Freedom
Izzy Cloke is a non-dual teacher from the UK, visiting the U.S. for the first time. She points to the natural freedom that is already everything.
"This Boundless Freedom points to the natural reality that is all there is. There is no such thing as separation. All there is, is what appears to be happening. Freedom never went anywhere. It was always just this."........
May 2025
Stephan Bodian ~ Waking Up Through the Metacrisis: Finding Deeper Ground in Challenging Times
The Buddha said it succinctly 2500 years ago: human existence is, and always has been, marked by constant change and uncertainty. Yet we find ourselves in uniquely challenging and uncertain times: overpopulation, mass extinctions, extreme weather, environmental tipping points, political upheaval, nuclear proliferation, demographic instability and widespread migrations, and the advent of technologies that challenge and distort our understanding of what’s real and true.
Please join me for one or more satsangs in this monthly series (Jan-May) that include meditations for returning to and resting in our deeper ground while welcoming and working with the feelings that these challenging times evoke. There will also be a brief talk and plenty of time for sharing and discussion.....
June 2025
Stephan Bodian ~ Wake Up Now: A Weekend Journey Through the Heart of Awakening
Awakenings come in many shapes and sizes and are as diverse as the people who experience them. Yet they tend to follow a similar trajectory, from the initial recognition that you’re not who you thought you were to the full realization of your boundless nondual spiritual nature beyond the mind. Along the way, you may have a range of different experiences and insights that offer motivation and inspiration and deepen and expand your understanding......