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Aisha Salem ~ Ground of Being

Saturday, March 23, 2019 @ 10am-12noon (Pacific Time)

10 am to 12 noon (Pacific Time – San Francisco, CA, USA) Time Zone Converter
(more details below on time conversion)

Aisha Salem has been described as a deeply realized woman of Truth who has been living the unfolding of her Being over 17 years of radical surrender. She has been teaching around the world for 15 years, inviting you to relax into the fire of Truth. It is an invitation into the deepest intimacy with Reality – the meeting with yourself as every aspect of Reality – from your empty and pre-existential core to your recognition of Love and One Being, and all the way into your humanness, while bowing to the Ground of Being. Every angle of Aisha’s teaching points to the emergence of the True Human – emptied of identification and naked to Reality, through mind, heart and belly or ground.

Aisha lives in Denmark with a growing community and is the founder of Gateway, a container for exploration, investigation and realization of Reality in everything, from the deepest intimacy to the widest expanse of Truth.

“The invitation is vast, wide and deep. The vast part of it is your recognition of Emptiness, which truly brings freedom and brilliance by the birth of pure Mind. The wider part is for recognition of yourself as pure and Universal Spirit, able and ready to move as Love itself. The deepest part of the invitation is what brings all of the pieces together; it is for your enjoyment and fulfillment as a True Human Being and is your exhale down into the holding of the body as pure Consciousness.”


Suggested donation: $15 to $25
PLEASE REGISTER EARLY if you can. Review in advance info for joining event.
NOTE: All events are shown in PACIFIC TIME, as in San Francisco, CA, USA (more details on time conversion below)

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TIME CONVERSION for your location (see link to Time Zone Converter near top of this page)
All event are shown in PACIFIC TIME, as in San Francisco, CA, USA:


Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) March into November and Pacific Standard Time (PST) November into March
Check specific dates here: Clock Changes in United States

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), same as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), is the international basis for other time zones.
10 am PDT (Pacific Daylight Time – San Francisco, CA, USA) is 5 pm UTC
10 am PST (Pacific Standard Time – San Francisco, CA, USA) is 6 pm UTC


Saturday, March 23, 2019
10am-12noon (Pacific Time)
Event Category:


Open Circle Center – Online Events