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Richard Miller ~ Living Enlightenment

Sunday, December 30, 2018 @ 10am-12noon (Pacific Time)

Live Worldwide Web Event
10 am to 12 noon (Pacific Time – San Francisco, CA, USA) Time Zone Converter

Throughout the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s, Richard had the good fortune of meeting a series of spiritual teachers, including Laura Cummings, J. Krishnamurti, Adi Da, Dadaji, Jean Klein, Adyashanti, and Suzanne Segal, who helped him directly realize the nondual teachings, as exemplified in the paths of Advaita, Kashmir Yoga, Taoism, and Dzogchen. Richard now shares this realization, and its integration into daily living, through meditative self-inquiry, the presence of being, and what lies beyond all sense of separation and self-awareness.

Richard is the co-founder of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, co-founder and past president of the Institute for Spirituality and Psychology, and founder of the iRest Institute, where he teaches retreats and trainings internationally, and conducts research on the nondual program he’s developed—iRest Meditation—a synthesis of ancient nondual practices of yogic meditation, studying its efficacy on health, healing, well-being, and awakening.

“Living enlightenment entails no less than a fundamental figure-ground reversal within our psyche, where our center of gravity shifts from identification as a separate ego-I to Essential Nature—the Mystery that has given birth to the entire cosmos—that is simultaneously everything, and no-thing.

“Living enlightenment takes us beyond duality and nonduality, where we recognize there is no condition, state, realization, or accomplishment that is ultimately definitive and final. Here, life is a continuous unfolding, with Essential Nature living us—and everything—as Its what, where, when, how, that, and this of each moment.

“Living enlightenment both exposes our absolute helplessness and insecurity when we live identified as a separate ego-I, and reveals our absolute security and stability when we give ourselves over completely to being lived by the intelligence of Essential Nature. Here, we awaken beyond conflict and suffering to living true compassion, kindness, love, joy, and equanimity, and respect for the preciousness of life and the environment, amidst all the changing circumstances and relationships of our lives.”


Suggested donation: $15 to $25
PLEASE REGISTER EARLY if you can. Review in advance info for joining event.
NOTE: All event are shown in PACIFIC TIME, as in San Francisco, CA, USA (more details on time conversion below)

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TIME CONVERSION for your location (see link to Time Zone Converter near top of this page)
All event are shown in PACIFIC TIME, as in San Francisco, CA, USA:


Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) March into November and Pacific Standard Time (PST) November into March
Check specific dates here: Clock Changes in United States

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), same as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), is the international basis for other time zones.
10 am PDT (Pacific Daylight Time – San Francisco, CA, USA) is 5 pm UTC
10 am PST (Pacific Standard Time – San Francisco, CA, USA) is 6 pm UTC


Sunday, December 30, 2018
10am-12noon (Pacific Time)
Event Category:


Open Circle Center – Online Events