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Marlies Myoku Cocheret ~ The Clarity Within Confusion
Saturday, May 16, 2020 @ 10am-12noon (Pacific Time)
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10 am to 12 noon (Pacific Time – San Francisco, CA, USA) Time Zone Converter
When we give ourselves the opportunity to leave our busy world behind, we discover a completely different world. This other world is mysterious and filled with the awe of the universe. You will directly experience the simultaneity of the chronic dissociative state and the unfathomable silence that we are. Which is always here.
Our busy world is confusion, struggle and endless dissatisfaction. The world of reality is peace, clarity, love and profound truth.
Of course you have heard all of this before. The question is, which world do you choose to live in?
Together we will devote ourselves to the Being that we are. Along the way obstacles like trauma, pain, confusion and pleasure tend to arise. When we wholeheartedly receive them, naturally Being stands out as the only thing there really is. Which is You!
Please come and join this exploration.
Marlies Myoku has devoted her life to the Beloved. She brings a potent invitation into the deep Silence that we are. The kindness of her gentle and direct teaching guides us home like a lighthouse. She helps people to see that freedom and peace lie not in escaping from difficulties, but rather in completely welcoming and receiving all that the Mystery presents.
She has been offering satsang and retreat since 2000 when Adyashanti asked her to teach. Marlies is trained as a psychologist in The Netherlands, a Hakomi therapist, and a Tantric educator. For over 25 years she has been ushering seekers into living the Divine in the body. She has a passion and a gift for bringing together the Sensual Body and the Silence of our Being.
She lives in Santa Cruz; California and works internationally. Marlies is interviewed in the book Awakened Relating. A Guide To Embodying Undivided love in Intimate Relationships by Lynn Marie Lumiere, and in the book Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom by R.M. Robinson
“With Adya, the bottom fell out. I deeply knew I am not this body, mind, thought, psyche, and I am also all these things as well. There was no in and/or out. All is One.”
Suggested donation: $15 to $25
Review in advance info for joining event.
NOTE: All events are shown in PACIFIC TIME, as in San Francisco, CA, USA (more details on time conversion below)
TIME CONVERSION for your location (see link to Time Zone Converter near top of this page):
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), same as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), is the international basis for other time zones.
10 am PDT (Pacific Daylight Time – San Francisco, CA, USA) is 5 pm UTC
10 am PST (Pacific Standard Time – San Francisco, CA, USA) is 6 pm UTC
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) March into November and Pacific Standard Time (PST) November into March
Check specific dates here: Clock Changes in United States