9:00 am
John Prendergast, Lisa Ferguson & Jeremy Lent ~ Engaged Nonduality
Engaged Nonduality
From Awakened Heart to a Flourishing Future
with John Prendergast, Lisa Ferguson
and Jeremy Lent ~ Oct. 20th
Recording will be emailed to participants within a week.
You’re welcome to join even if you can’t attend the live session.
A deep investigation into the source of the metacrisis reveals, at its root, a worldview of separation: a belief that we’re split between mind and body, separate from each other, and at odds with the natural world.
In this session, Jeremy Lent will show how that worldview has led to today’s civilizational crisis and what’s at stake for our future. Then, we’ll explore an alternative worldview of deep interconnectedness that arises naturally both from modern science as well as the great wisdom traditions of Buddhism, Taoism, and Indigenous knowledge— and what it implies for our identity and values.
Finally, Jeremy will offer a glimpse of what a civilization might look like based on values arising from this worldview—one that sets the conditions for all people to thrive on a regenerated Earth: an ecological civilization.
Jeremy Lent is an author and speaker whose work investigates the underlying causes of our civilization’s existential crisis, and explores pathways toward a life-affirming future. His award-winning books, The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning, and The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe, trace the historical underpinnings and flaws of the dominant worldview, and offer a foundation for an integrative worldview that could lead humanity to a flourishing future. He has written extensively about the vision and specifics of an ecological civilization and is founder of the Deep Transformation Network, an online global community exploring pathways for a deep transformation toward a life-affirming future on a regenerated Earth. Author website: jeremylent.com
Engaged Nonduality Series
This series weaves nondual awakening and an embodied response to our world in crisis. We are facing intersecting crises of climate breakdown, the potential of ecological and systems collapse, severe injustice and inequality, rising authoritarianism, unaligned tech and AI, and more. The path of nonduality has much to offer in these times, including a deep recognition of our wholeness and shared Being, and opening to the wellspring of our wise response.
While awakening is often engaged in a more personal context, we are expanding the context to include structural harm and systemic crisis, where the rubber hits the road in our world today. This series invites guest presenters to explore how the wisdom of these nondual teachings may be deeply embodied through a response to our world in crisis. These sessions may include guided meditations, group and dyadic inquiry and group interaction.
Register for one or more dates, or the full series together.
October 13th: John Prendergast and Lisa Ferguson ~
Awakening and Action: Toward an Engaged Nondual Approach
The following events in the series will be hosted by John Prendergast and Lisa Ferguson.
October 20th: Jeremy Lent ~ From Awakened Heart to a Flourishing Earth
October 27th: Jonathan Gustin ~ Non-dual Responsibility - Exploring Non-duality & the Metacrisis
November 2nd: Caverly Morgan ~ Acting on Behalf of The Heart of Who We Are
John J. Prendergast, Ph.D. is the author of The Deep Heart: Our Portal to Presence (2019 ) and In Touch: How to Tune In to the Inner Guidance of Your Body and Trust Yourself (2015) and is working on a new book entitled Your Deepest Ground: A Guide to Embodied Spirituality (March 2025). He is a retired Adjunct Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies as well as a retired psychotherapist. He studied with the European sage Jean Klein for many years as well as with Adyashanti who gave dharma transmission to John in August, 2023. John and his wife Christiane offer residential retreats in the United States and Europe.
YouTube channel
Lisa Ferguson, Ph.D. is the founder of Climate Compassion, and has focused on supporting planetary wellbeing as a healing arts practitioner, climate justice activist, organizer and contemplative. She offers psychospiritual support to activists through one-one sessions and small groups, weaving together a focus on awakening, healing and wise action.
Suggested Donation: $15 to $40
(any amount acceptable, no one turned away for lack of funds)
Please register early if you can.
REGISTER for Oct. 20th
Full Series: Sundays October 13, 20, 27, and Saturday Nov 2
Suggested Donation: $60 to $120
(no one turned away for lack of funds)
REGISTER for Full 4-part Series
The event leaders are donating their entire share of the event donations, after expenses, to support Rob Schwartz’s vision of maintaining his property to be available as a spiritual retreat space, where Open Circle may hold some of its events.
The events will be recorded and emailed to participants within a week.
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John Prendergast, Lisa Ferguson & Jeremy Lent ~ Engaged Nonduality
A deep investigation into the source of the meta-crisis reveals, at its root, a worldview of separation: a belief that we’re split between mind and body, separate from each other, and at odds with the natural world.
In this session, Jeremy Lent will show how that worldview has led to today’s civilizational crisis and what’s at stake for our future. Then, we’ll glimpse what a civilization might look like based on values that set the conditions for all people to thrive on a regenerated Earth: an ecological civilization.
Jeremy Lent is the author of the award-winning books, The Patterning Instinct and The Web of Meaning, which offer a foundation for an integrative worldview for a flourishing future.
John J. Prendergast is a retired Adjunct Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, as well as a retired psychotherapist. He studied with the European sage Jean Klein for many years as well as with Adyashanti.
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