April 2023
Gail Brenner, Ph.D ~ Bringing Heaven to Earth: Fully Alive in Everyday Life ~ 3-Part Online Course
3-Part Online Course
Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday - April 15, 18 & 20, 2023
9:00 am – 11:30 am, Pacific Time, each day
Starts at noon Eastern, 5pm UK, 6pm CET
Time Zone Converter
Recording will be sent out each day to all who register
You're welcome to join even if you can't attend all the live sessions.
The nondual teaching invites us to recognize the truth of who we are beyond any conditioned ideas about ourselves. And this recognition changes everything.
We no longer believe the fear-based, limited ideas we hold about ourselves and the world, and we open to everything, flowing with things as they are. Rather than needing to fix and control, we get out of our heads and rest effortlessly as the Being that we are, loving whatever appears.
This knowing radically transforms our relationships with others, how we relate to ourselves when we’re triggered, and how we meet the challenges that arise in the course of human life. Where before we felt stuck and limited, we now live in wonder, curiosity, and heart.
Let’s gather in loving community to explore living everyday life with nothing in the way…endlessly available to all that is…
This 3-session course offers you an invitation to open to a fresh way of being, fully aligned with your natural essence as whole, peaceful, primed for joy, and lacking nothing. You’ll learn to untangle the limited ways you think about yourself and find your way home to the ever present space of inner aliveness, the sacredness of all of Life.
Each session includes guided meditation, clarifying wisdom, small group sharing, Q&A, and joyful celebration together. You’ll come away with skills to feel grounded, safe, and connected within yourself and in your life. You’ll experience more space for the natural arising of intimacy, generosity, inspiration, and delight.
“This course has changed my life. Gail is able to transform through her presence and I think anyone open to healing would benefit.” ~ Erica C.
Session 1: How We Show Up for Ourselves and for Life
We’ll name and explore essential qualities of awakened awareness: openness, curiosity, humility, compassion, and devotion. How do we embody these qualities in everyday life?
Session 2: Insight Into Conditioned Patterns
We’ll understand how we contract into limiting ideas about ourselves and forget the truth of our being. We’ll practice wise and kind ways to be with emotions and the nervous system.
Session 3: Awake in Everyday Life
We’ll get practical about relationships, resentments, hurts, frustrations of daily life, and anything else you’re struggling with. How do we navigate these situations without losing our authentic Being? How can you, more and more, step into your full magnificence as you were meant to be?
“Gail creates, embodies and models a very safe space which is helping to create safety in myself on a day to day level which is Huge.” ~ H.F.
Free Information Session: Please join Gail for a free information session on Thursday, April 13 at 9am Pacific, noon Eastern, 5pm BST. You’ll learn more about the course and get a taste of the safe and loving community that supports this work. Please click the link to register.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
"I feel accepted, included, safe, loved and also, as importantly, I feel that my presence in the group can offer the same qualities to others.” ~ Sue E.
"It was pure delight (and relief) to find such a healing container in this sangha group. Gail's masterful facilitation and unhurried attention to our experience of coming together, shifting into direct experience, and powerful questions were grounding and illuminating.” ~ Lisa L.
Gail Brenner, Ph.D. is your guide. As a psychologist, author, and teacher, she transmits a love of truth with a fire that burns brightly. Gail is an expert in healing from early trauma and brings to this work years of experience with individuals and groups. She is known for creating the safe space needed for deep inner exploration. Gail is the author of the award-winning The End of Self-Help and Suffering Is Optional.
Sliding Scale: $80 to $130
Some Partial Scholarships Available
Please Register Early if you can.
Gail Brenner, Ph.D ~ Bringing Heaven to Earth: Fully Alive in Everyday Life ~ 3-Part Online Course
3-Part Online Course
Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday - April 15, 18 & 20, 2023
9:00 am – 11:30 am, Pacific Time, each day
Starts at noon Eastern, 5pm UK, 6pm CET
Time Zone Converter
Recording will be sent out each day to all who register
You're welcome to join even if you can't attend all the live sessions.
The nondual teaching invites us to recognize the truth of who we are beyond any conditioned ideas about ourselves. And this recognition changes everything.
We no longer believe the fear-based, limited ideas we hold about ourselves and the world, and we open to everything, flowing with things as they are. Rather than needing to fix and control, we get out of our heads and rest effortlessly as the Being that we are, loving whatever appears.
This knowing radically transforms our relationships with others, how we relate to ourselves when we’re triggered, and how we meet the challenges that arise in the course of human life. Where before we felt stuck and limited, we now live in wonder, curiosity, and heart.
Let’s gather in loving community to explore living everyday life with nothing in the way…endlessly available to all that is…
This 3-session course offers you an invitation to open to a fresh way of being, fully aligned with your natural essence as whole, peaceful, primed for joy, and lacking nothing. You’ll learn to untangle the limited ways you think about yourself and find your way home to the ever present space of inner aliveness, the sacredness of all of Life.
Each session includes guided meditation, clarifying wisdom, small group sharing, Q&A, and joyful celebration together. You’ll come away with skills to feel grounded, safe, and connected within yourself and in your life. You’ll experience more space for the natural arising of intimacy, generosity, inspiration, and delight.
“This course has changed my life. Gail is able to transform through her presence and I think anyone open to healing would benefit.” ~ Erica C.
Session 1: How We Show Up for Ourselves and for Life
We’ll name and explore essential qualities of awakened awareness: openness, curiosity, humility, compassion, and devotion. How do we embody these qualities in everyday life?
Session 2: Insight Into Conditioned Patterns
We’ll understand how we contract into limiting ideas about ourselves and forget the truth of our being. We’ll practice wise and kind ways to be with emotions and the nervous system.
Session 3: Awake in Everyday Life
We’ll get practical about relationships, resentments, hurts, frustrations of daily life, and anything else you’re struggling with. How do we navigate these situations without losing our authentic Being? How can you, more and more, step into your full magnificence as you were meant to be?
“Gail creates, embodies and models a very safe space which is helping to create safety in myself on a day to day level which is Huge.” ~ H.F.
Free Information Session: Please join Gail for a free information session on Thursday, April 13 at 9am Pacific, noon Eastern, 5pm BST. You’ll learn more about the course and get a taste of the safe and loving community that supports this work. Please click the link to register.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
"I feel accepted, included, safe, loved and also, as importantly, I feel that my presence in the group can offer the same qualities to others.” ~ Sue E.
"It was pure delight (and relief) to find such a healing container in this sangha group. Gail's masterful facilitation and unhurried attention to our experience of coming together, shifting into direct experience, and powerful questions were grounding and illuminating.” ~ Lisa L.
Gail Brenner, Ph.D. is your guide. As a psychologist, author, and teacher, she transmits a love of truth with a fire that burns brightly. Gail is an expert in healing from early trauma and brings to this work years of experience with individuals and groups. She is known for creating the safe space needed for deep inner exploration. Gail is the author of the award-winning The End of Self-Help and Suffering Is Optional.
Sliding Scale: $80 to $130
Some Partial Scholarships Available
Please Register Early if you can.