9:30 am
Georgia Simone ~ Awakened Healing: Become The Space Where Healing Takes Place
Welcome to The Holding Space.
A space where we can gather together and BE exactly as we are
A space where the full spectrum of your human experience is invited
Calm, anxious, open, closed,
ALL is welcome here.
It's in this gentle embrace that everything can start to unravel. It's in this open space that we can begin to unwind the strategies that no longer serve us. This is the space that early mis-attunement failed to foster, the space where love blooms and new life can emerge. This is the space where all that quivers and shakes can come to rest, and where all that contorts can untwist into greater alignment.
Through gentle exploration and somatic awareness you can cultivate a new way of being with your most challenging patterns. No longer a victim of the push and pull of inner disturbance, you can step forward with greater confidence, knowing that whatever comes your way, you embody the resilience and the capacity to meet and integrate it.
You can expect a deeply held space where you’ll be invited to slow down, tune in, and track your present-moment experience. As you awaken and refine a more subtle way of Being and Being With, you can slowly but surely become the space – the container and the field – where healing takes place.
The first leg of Georgia Simone’s path exposed her to the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, which provided her with the foundation she needed to disidentify from pain and suffering. However, despite a growing freedom, a significant bypass took place, as her orientation towards transcendence reinforced her deep disconnection from Life. Upon seeing this, her focus became addressing the unresolved trauma that had woven its way into every fibre of her being.
During this period, Georgia was influenced by Inner Relationship Focusing, a presence based approach that works with the Felt Sense and the split-off parts of self. She also trained as a NARM informed practitioner, which addresses developmental trauma from a psychotherapeutic perspective. Her approach is now a seamless blend of mystical insight and psychological understanding.
After many years of wading through this marshland of conditioning, she shares her discoveries with others. She believes that the spiritual path is as much about arriving here fully – as an embodied human being – as it is about dissolving into the infinite source that makes this life possible. How can we die to the absolute, while deeply embracing our relative human experience? This Living Inquiry is her Life’s prayer.
Suggested donation: $15 to $40
No one turned away for lack of funds.
Please register early if you can.
The event will be recorded and emailed to participants within a week.
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Georgia Simone ~ Awakened Healing: Become The Space Where Healing Takes Place
Welcome to The Holding Space.
A space where we can gather together and BE exactly as we are, where the full spectrum of your human experience is invited.
It's in this open space that we can begin to unwind the strategies that no longer serve us.
Through gentle exploration and somatic awareness you can cultivate a new way of being with your most challenging patterns
As you awaken and refine a more subtle way of Being and Being With, you can slowly but surely become the space – the container and the field – where healing takes place.
Georgia Simone believes that the spiritual path is as much about arriving here fully – as an embodied human being – as it is about dissolving into the infinite source that makes this life possible.
Find out more »2:00 pm
Jeannie Zandi ~ Awakening Your Heart’s Essential Power (In-Person Event)
A Year to Love:
Claiming What You're Really Here For and Living It
January 2025 Bay Area Events with Jeannie Zandi
Join spiritual teacher Jeannie Zandi for a series of Bay Area gatherings (in-person and livestream) exploring how to unite our humanity and divinity, becoming love's instrument in an aching world. This is an invitation to make 2025 the year you live what you're here for.
Attend any or all in this series of In-Person events.
Each session is complete and meaningful on its own.
Livestream also available for Jan. 13th to 16th events.
January 12: Sebastopol, CA ~ Awakening Your Heart's Essential Power
The Heart's Revolution: Three Nights of Radical Presence, in Berkeley, CA
January 13: Berkeley, CA ~ Melting the Walls Around the Heart
January 14: Berkeley, CA ~ Standing in Love's Fire
January 16: Berkeley, CA ~ Being Love's Instrument in the World
January 15: San Rafael, CA ~ Love's Wild Heart: When Human Meets Divine
Jan 18th & 19th ~ Earth and Sky: The Dance of Being Human
In-Person RETREAT in Sausalito, CA
Click here to access details & registration for ALL events in series.
Awakening Your Heart's Essential Power
January 12th, 2-5pm
Join us for refreshments and connection from 4-5pm.
Location: Sebastopol, CA (at Tomas's)
What if 2025 becomes the year you finally come home to the love that you are? Join spiritual teacher Jeannie Zandi for an intimate afternoon exploring what becomes possible when we stop running from our humanity and fully embody the marriage of human and divine. For millennia, we've lived split from our essence, alienated from the love that is the very bedrock of reality. But that ancient wound can heal–not someday, but now, in this very lifetime, in this very year. Through meditation, teachings and dialogue, we'll discover how to root ourselves in the heart's unwavering presence while meeting life's intensifying challenges with fierce wisdom and tender grace. The world needs your whole heart–human and divine, united at last.
Jeannie Zandi is a spiritual teacher who supports people to integrate awakening into every aspect of human experience and to bring their heart's offering to life. Known for her potent blend of spiritual mastery and grounded humanness, she creates transformational spaces with fierce tenderness, irreverent wisdom, and unwavering presence, inspiring students to embody their deepest truth in everyday life.
Her gift for inviting people into resting, rooted presence evokes a deep meeting with oneself and reality. Her disarming humor and directness invite us beyond mere intellectual understanding into direct experience. Through silent and guided meditation, spontaneous talks, and authentic dialogue, Jeannie hosts a space of clarity and warmth where the richness of experience can be explored safely and innermost questions met fully.
At the heart of her teaching is the recognition that life itself is the ground through which we are purified as vessels for divine expression. She guides students to embrace every moment—from mundane to challenging—as fuel for awakening, transforming daily life into a practice of embodied truth. Her work bridges the mystical with the practical, moving beyond abstract concepts into fully embodied awakening. Jeannie calls students to mature into capable, authentic expressions of love and truth, serving the whole with wisdom and courage. This devotional path invites alignment with the divine, where life's challenges become opportunities to manifest love in action.
Suggested Donation: $10- $20, no one turned away.
No pre-registration. Pay at door when you arrive.
Location: 8476 Sonoma Ave, Sebastopol, CA. Park on Sonoma Ave.
Note: The address sign says 8474/8476. Park on the street, and walk down the short driveway to the house with the carport.
Please dress mindfully, doors & windows may be open!
If you have covid-like symptoms, or have had a recent Covid exposure or positive test, please stay home out of consideration for others.