9:00 am
Susanne Marie ~ What Do I Really Want? The Importance of Intention
It is good to take stock now and then and sincerely look at what one is wanting spiritually. In order to attain undivided Truth, one needs to be intentional, even if knowing how to get there is undefined. In actuality, having clarity in the moment as to 'how', while also allowing divine intelligence to guide, are both important frames of mind to hold in realizing your true nature.
It is important to recognize that the purpose of the seeking energy is to motivate one to come home to oneself. In fact, it can be a guide for you if you learn how to listen. Having an inner drive to wake up is the first step, learning how to listen and follow your inner guidance is the second step, and finally, surrendering and resting in the unknown is the third step. But nothing happens without inner clarity of what we are sincerely wanting. Without intention, one can float a long time in confusion as to how to realize.
The aim of this meeting will be to go beyond the ideas you hold about awakening, lovingly letting go of any false beliefs you may encounter, and access the current true desire you have to wake up. This helps reboot your spiritual intention, bringing it into the now, and enlivening its potentiality.
About Susanne Marie
Featured in conversation with Adyashanti on Buddha at the Gas Pump as well as on Conscious TV, Susanne Marie offers teachings in support of freedom and the celebration of our common essence of love and unity with all life. Susanne, who lives in Northern California, is the parent of two young adults. She offers spiritual mentoring, online and in-person group facilitation, as well as retreats.
Find out more about Susanne Marie: susannemarie.org
Suggested donation: $15 to $40
No one turned away for lack of funds.
Please register early if you can.
The event will be recorded and emailed to participants within a week.
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