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Susanne Marie ~ The Impact of Awakening on Relationships (In-Person Event)

Sunday, November 17, 2024 @ 2:00pm~4:00pm

Sebastopol, 8476 Sonoma Ave.
Sebastopol, CA,

Undivided truth, when sincerely opened to, reorganizes our entire life, revealing what is not in alignment, including how we connect with others. During the awakening journey, the way we relate to ourselves, as well as others, will be honestly examined. This arises organically whereby what is not in inner harmony will reorganize both during the emptying out phase (seeing through the separate self sense), and during the unity phase (when the heart opens). As allegiance to inner integrity grows, the changes which take place on the inside are naturally reflected in the way we communicate. Vulnerability of the heart wishes to be exercised as it is increasingly seen that there is strength in transparency. Self compassion leads to learning how to maintain healthy boundaries. These inner transformations often change the landscape to even the closest of relationships.

Once you are reharmonized internally, a more true and natural relating will emerge with others, but this takes practice out in the ‘marketplace’ of life. As we all know, maintaining healthy relationships is an art, and not always easy to navigate. Having Truth as one’s guide, the aim is to live more authentic and heart centered connections, as this enriches all of our lives.

About Susanne Marie
Featured in conversation with Adyashanti on Buddha at the Gas Pump as well as on Conscious TV, Susanne Marie offers teachings in support of freedom and the celebration of our common essence of love and unity with all life. Susanne, who lives in Northern California, is the parent of two young adults. She offers spiritual mentoring, online and in-person group facilitation, as well as retreats.

Video: Disconnection During Awakening | False Self Dries Up

More about Susanne Marie: susannemarie.org

Satsang: 2-4 pm
Refreshments: until 5
Suggested Donation: $10- $20, no one turned away.
No pre-registration. Pay at door when you arrive.

Location: 8476 Sonoma Ave, Sebastopol, CA. Park on Sonoma Ave.
Note: The address sign says 8474/8476.  Park on the street, and walk down the short driveway to the house with the carport.
Please dress mindfully, doors & windows will be open!
If you have covid-like symptoms, or have had a recent Covid exposure or positive test, please stay home out of consideration for others.


Sunday, November 17, 2024
Event Categories:


8476 Sonoma Ave.
Sebastopol, CA,
+ Google Map