Dear Friends,

Thank you for your interest in donating to Open Circle.

Since 2004, Open Circle has been a labor of love supporting thousands of lives by connecting people with teachings, teachers, and community. There are many expenses involved and we are 100% dependent on donations to support the work we do. If you’ve been touched by your experience with Open Circle then we would greatly appreciate your financial support.

Open Circle Center, Inc is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code, to which donations can be tax deductible. Your donations primarily go to our amazing teachers and event leaders, supporting them to continue the incredible and life-changing work that they do.  Your donations will also pay for necessary venue rental, video equipment, online fees, and other business expenses.

Thank you again for your interest in supporting Open Circle Center, and we hope to see you at one of our events soon!

With Love & Appreciation,

~The Open Circle Team

Donate Online or by Check:

Donate Online here:

Add Payment Notes (if any):

Or Donate by Check:

Mail checks payable to “Open Circle Center”: PO Box 11201, Berkeley, CA, 94712